
Capitol News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

13.8 percent of students at Eastern High School are academically ready for math in college (2018-2019)

Webp test 09

Eastern High School (Lansing Public School District) ranks 142nd among schools in Michigan. SAT scores show 13.8 percent of students are academically ready for math in college, according to the Michigan Department of Education' 2018 Michigan Merit Examination (MME) reports.

MME's primary purpose is to provide a snapshot of end-of-year student learning across the state.

Schools ranked by students ready for math in college in 2018-2019

RankSchoolsStudents ready for math in college
1Dakota High School729
2Grand Blanc Community High School644
3Eisenhower High School640
4Adlai Stevenson High School623
5Northville High School619
6East Kentwood High School580
7Fordson High School574
8Chippewa Valley High School560
9Rockford High School543
9Lake Orion Community High School543
10Clarkston High School523
11Cass Technical High School513
12Salem High School500
13Howell High School499
14Troy High School494
15West Ottawa High School Campus488
16Brighton High School487
17Anchor Bay High School481
18Plymouth High School479
19Hartland High School474
20Utica High School471
21Novi High School467
22Canton High School464
23Dearborn High School463
24West Bloomfield High School453
25Hudsonville High School446
26L'Anse Creuse High School - North434
27Henry Ford II High School433
28Stevenson High School428
29Western International High School417
30Rochester High School416
31Pioneer High School411
32Oxford High School409
33Grand Ledge High School408
34Saline High School407
35Romeo High School404
36Walled Lake Northern High School400
37West Senior High388
38Stoney Creek High School387
38Grand Haven High School387
39Grosse Pointe South High School386
40Grandville High School385
41Warren Mott High School383
42Belleville High School380
43Rochester Adams High School377
44Bloomfield Hills High School373
45John Glenn High School367
46Huron High School366
47Walled Lake Central High School365
48Athens High School359
49Skyline High School357
49Sterling Heights Senior H.S.357
50Lapeer High School356
51Holt Senior High School355
52Davison High School351
53Caledonia High School344
53Lake Shore High School344
54Southfield High School for the Arts and Technology342
55Kalamazoo Central High School335
56Roseville High School333
57Loy Norrix High School330
58Edsel Ford High School329
59Central High School328
59Cousino Senior High School328
60Woodhaven High School327
60Lakeland High School327
61Fraser High School326
62Portage Central High School325
62Franklin High School325
62Heritage High School325
63Grosse Pointe North High School324
64Portage Northern High School322
65Monroe High School320
66Royal Oak High School319
67Berkley High School318
67Lakeview High School318
68North Farmington High School317
68Crestwood High School317
69Lakeview High School316
70Flushing High School314
70Waterford Mott High School314
71L'Anse Creuse High School312
72Jenison High School311
73Taylor High School310
73Wayne Memorial High School310
74H.H. Dow High School309
74Churchill High School309
75Wylie E. Groves High School307
76Roosevelt High School305
77Waterford Kettering High School302
78Port Huron Northern High School301
79Okemos High School300
80Ernest W. Seaholm High School298
81South Lyon High School293
82Milford High School291
82Alpena High School291
83Lowell Senior High School290
84Midland High School289
85Walled Lake Western High School287
86Mona Shores High School285
87Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy283
88Northview High School281
89Central High School279
90Zeeland West High School278
91Northern High School277
92Fenton Senior High School276
93Mattawan High School274
94Farmington High School273
94Port Huron High School273
95Dexter High School272
96Wyoming High School268
96Michigan Virtual Charter Academy268
97Reeths-Puffer High School267
97Carman-Ainsworth High School267
98Oscar A. Carlson High School265
99Byron Center High School260
99Allen Park High School260
99Swartz Creek High School260
100Waverly Senior High School259
101St. Joseph High School254
101Holly High School254
102Southgate Anderson High School253
103East Lansing High School251
103Renaissance High School251
104Bay City Western High School249
104Garden City High School249
104Lincoln Park High School249
104Everett High School249
105Jackson High School248
106South Lyon East High School247
107Holland High School245
108East Grand Rapids High School243
109Melvindale High School239
110Lincoln Senior High School236
111Hamtramck High School230
112St. Johns High School229
113Greenville Senior High School228
114Avondale High School226
115Gaylord High School/Voc. Bldg.221
116Lakeshore High School220
116Lee M. Thurston High School220
117Trenton High School219
117Thornapple Kellogg High School219
118DeWitt High School218
118Mason High School218
119Petoskey High School217
120Battle Creek Central High School216
121Marquette Senior High School213
122Warren Woods Tower High School212
123Cedar Springs High School211
124Riverview Community High School209
124Kenowa Hills High School209
125Mt. Pleasant Senior High School207
126Gull Lake High School206
126Zeeland East High School206
126Fitzgerald Senior High School206
127Huron High School204
127Linden High School204
127Owosso High School204
128Fruitport High School203
129Haslett High School201
130Marysville High School200
131Ferndale High School199
132Edwardsburg High School197
133Chelsea High School195
134Plainwell High School194
134Kearsley High School194
135Tecumseh High School193
136Marshall High School190
137St. Clair High School189
137Goodrich High School189
137Harper Creek High School189
138Sturgis High School187
138Northwest High School187
139Coldwater High School186
140Fowlerville High School185
141Eastern High School182
141Brandon High School182
141Niles Senior High School182
142Escanaba Area Public High School181
142Airport Senior High School181
142Eastern High School181
143Western High School180
143Bay City Central High School180
144Annapolis High School179
145Spring Lake High School178
145John Glenn High School178
145Great Lakes Cyber Academy - MS/HS178
146Hamilton High School177
147Washtenaw Technical Middle College176
147Sparta Senior High School176
147Lamphere High School176
147Adrian High School176
148Cadillac Senior High School172
148Hastings High School172
148Redford Union High School172
149Clio Area High School170
150Milan High School169
150Lake Fenton High School169
150Coopersville High School169
150Eaton Rapids High School169
151Allegan High School168
152Hazel Park High School166
152Harper Woods High School166
153Allendale High School165
153Croswell-Lexington High School165
154Wayland High School164
155Innovation Central High163
156Vicksburg High School162
157Cesar Chavez High School161
158Union High School160
159North Branch High School159
160Pennfield Senior High School158
160Ionia High School158
160Summit Academy North High School158
161Armada High School152
161Kelloggsville High School152
162Charlotte Senior High School151
163Otsego High School150
163Big Rapids High School150
163Imlay City High School150
164Yale Senior High School149
164Muskegon High School149
165Williamston High School148
165Corunna High School148
166West Michigan Aviation Academy146
166Lakewood High School146
167Harrison High School145
167Whitehall Senior High School145
167Ogemaw Heights High School145
167Romulus Senior High School145
168Portland High School144
168Paw Paw High School144
169Fremont High School142
169Chandler Park Academy - High School142
170Alma Senior High School141
171Grosse Ile High School139
171Garber High School139
171Godwin Heights Senior High School139
171University Preparatory Academy (PSAD) - High School139
172Belding High School138
173Almont High School137
173Orchard View High School137
174Community High School135
174Sault Area High School135
174Kingsford High School135
175Center Line High School134
175Frontier International Academy134
176Hopkins High School133
176Marine City High School133
177Clawson High School131
177Jefferson High School131
177Eastpointe High School131
178Ludington High School130
178Swan Valley High School130
179Comstock Park High School128
179South Haven High School128
179Tri County Senior High School128
180Michigan Connections Academy127
181Chippewa Hills High School126
181Three Rivers High School126
182Frankenmuth High School125
182Olivet High School125
183Cheboygan Area High School124
183Henry Ford Academy124
184City Middle/High123
184Birch Run High School123
185Flat Rock Community High School121
185Clarenceville High School121
186Richmond Community High School119
186Freeland Middle School/High School119
186Hillsdale High School119
187Perry High School118
188Dundee Community High School117
188Union High School117
189Standish-Sterling Central Jr/Sr High School116
189Reed City High School116
190Ovid-Elsie High School115
191Clare High School114
192Columbia Central High School112
192Oakridge High School112
193Caro High School111
193Algonac Junior/Senior High School111
194South Lake High School110
195Chesaning Union High School109
195Newaygo High School109
196Berrien Springs High School108
196Communication and Media Arts High School108
197Jonesville High School107
198Grass Lake High School106
199Ida High School105
199Bullock Creek High School105
199Gladwin High School105
199Benzie Central Sr. High School105
199Leslie High School105
199Carrollton High School105
200Buchanan High School104
200Detroit School of Arts104
201Onsted Community High School103
201Gladstone Area High School103
201Menominee High School103
202Grayling High School102
202Tawas Area High School102
202Durand Area High School102
202Coloma High School102
202J.W. Sexton High School102
203Boyne City High School101
203Parchment High School101
203Central Montcalm High School101
204Negaunee High School100
204Grant High School100
205Advanced Technology Academy99
206Madison High School98
206Hill-McCloy High School98
206Constantine High School98
206Cornerstone Health and Technology School98
207Pinconning High School96
207Calumet High School96
208University High School Academy95
208Brandywine Senior High School95
209Stockbridge Jr/Sr High School94
209Blissfield High School94
209Millington High School94
209E.A. Johnson Memorial H.S.94
210Michigan Center Jr/Sr High School93
211Mason County Central H.S.92
211Voyageur College Prep92
212Manistee Middle High School91
212Hanover-Horton High School91
212LakeVille High School91
213Pewamo-Westphalia Middle/High School89
213Clinton High School89
213Kingsley Area High School89
213Benjamin Carson High School of Science and Medicine89
214Houghton Central High School88
214Schoolcraft High School88
214Montague High School88
214Taylor Preparatory High School88
214Hart High School88
215Westwood High School86
215Kalkaska High School86
216Kent City High School85
216Star International Academy85
216Fennville Public High School85
217North Muskegon High School84
217Laingsburg High School84
217Harrison Community High School84
217Madison High School84
218Canton Preparatory High School83
218Comstock High School83
218Shelby High School83
219Bloomingdale Middle and High School82
219Morley Stanwood High School82
220Napoleon High School81
220Hemlock High School81
220Bath High School81
221Quincy High School80
221Byron Area High School80
221Ravenna High School80
221Oakland International Academy - High School80
221Detroit Edison Public School Academy - High School80
222Manchester Junior/Senior High School79
222Meridian Early College High School79
222Wellspring Preparatory High School79
223New Lothrop High School78
223Hartford High School78
224Elk Rapids High School77
224Ithaca High School77
224Memphis Junior/Senior High School77
224Clintondale High School77
225Manton Consolidated High School76
225Riverside Academy - West Campus76
226New Haven High School75
226Bendle High School75
227Black River Public School Middle/High74
227Lake City High School74
227Centreville Jr. /Sr. High School74
227Capac High School74
227Homer Community High School74
227Arts Academy in the Woods74
228Mason Senior High School73
229Vassar Senior High School72
230Lakeview High School71
231St. Louis High School70
232Charlevoix Middle/ High School69
233Maple Valley Jr/Sr High School68
233Iron Mountain High School68
233Union City High School68
234Harbor Springs High School67
234Mancelona High School67
235Cass City Jr. and Sr. High School66
235Delton-Kellogg High School66
235Reese High School66
235Watervliet Senior High School66
235Potterville High School66
235Springport High School66
236East Jordan Middle/High School65
237Norway High School64
237Lawton High School64
237Galesburg-Augusta High School64
237Ottawa Hills High School64
238Laker High School63
238East Jackson Secondary School63
238Evart High School63
239Farwell High School62
239Ishpeming High School62
239Hesperia High School62
239Reading High School62
239White Cloud High School62
240Unionville-Sebewaing High School61
241Bronson Jr/Sr High School60
242St. Charles Community Middle/High School59
242Roscommon High School59
242Marlette Jr./Sr. High School59
242Brown City High School59
242Ross Beatty High School59
242Manistique Middle and High School59
243Oscoda Area High School57
243Dansville High School57
243Concord High School57
243Montabella Junior/Senior High57
244Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy56
244Beal City High School56
244Oakland Early College56
244Bad Axe High School56
244Whitmore Lake High School56
244Bangor High School56
244Bentley Senior High School56
245Detroit Community Schools - High School55
245Saranac Jr/Sr High School55
246Saugatuck High School54
246Breckenridge High School54
246Decatur Jr Sr High School54
246Mott Middle College High School54
246Robichaud Senior High School54
247Charyl Stockwell Academy - High School53
247Sandusky Junior/Senior High School53
247Carson City-Crystal High School53
247Rogers City High School53
248LaSalle High School52
248Marcellus High School52
249Glen Lake Community School51
249Harbor Beach Community High School51
249Ubly Community High School51
249Johannesburg-Lewiston High School51
249Bark River-Harris Jr/Sr High School51
250Grand Traverse Academy50
250Atherton Jr. / Sr. High School50
251Bridgman High School49
251Coleman Junior/Senior High School49
251Whiteford High School49
251Luther L. Wright K-12 School49
251Jackson Preparatory & Early College49
251Troy College and Career High School49
251Morrice Area High School49
251Michigan International Prep School49
251Michigan Online School49
252Gobles High School48
252Pittsford Area High School48
252Athens Junior/Senor High School48
252River Valley Middle/High School48
252West Iron County High School48
252Vandercook Lake High School48
252Landmark Academy48
253Sand Creek High School47
253Inland Lakes Secondary School47
253Tecumseh Virtual Academy47
254Henry Ford Early College46
254Merritt Academy46
254Summerfield Junior/Senior High School46
254Hancock Middle/High School46
254Pellston Middle/High School46
254Munising High and Middle School46
255Fowler High School45
255L'Anse Area School45
255Addison High School45
255Alcona Community High School45
255Vestaburg Community High School45
255Merrill High School45
255Mayville High School45
256Onaway Senior High School44
256Crossroads Charter Academy (7-12)44
256Holton High School44
257Gwinn Middle/High School43
257White Pigeon Jr/Sr High School43
257Mendon Middle/High School43
257Charlton Heston Academy43
258Jeffers High School42
258Arbor Preparatory High School42
258Webberville High School42
258Kingston High School42
258Forest Area High School42
259Dryden High School41
259Newberry Area School41
259Fulton High School41
259Central Academy41
260Mesick Consolidated Jr/Sr High School40
260Whittemore-Prescott Jr/Sr High School40
261New Buffalo Senior High School39
261Deckerville Community High School39
261CA Frost Environmental Science Academy Middle High School39
262Oxford Virtual Academy38
262AGBU Alex-Marie Manoogian School38
262Ypsilanti STEMM Middle College38
263Frankfort High School37
264West MI Academy of Environmental Science36
264Mio-AuSable High School36
264Climax-Scotts High School36
264Countryside Academy - Middle/High School36
264Brethren High School36
265Oxford Schools Early College35
265Lake Linden-Hubbell Schools35
265Bellaire Middle/High School35
265Martin High School35
265Lawrence Jr/Sr High School35
265International Academy of Flint (K-12)35
265Genesee High School35
265Trillium Academy35
266Henry Ford Early College-Advanced Manufacturing34
266Leland Public School34
266Onekama Consolidated Schools34
266Michigan Mathematics and Science Academy Dequindre34
267Brimley Area School33
267A.D. Johnston Jr/Sr High School33
267Au Gres-Sims High School33
267Superior Central School33
268Forest Park School32
269Bellevue Jr/Sr High School30
270Suttons Bay Senior High School29
271North Huron School28
272Stephenson Middle/High School27
273Central Lake Public Schools26
273Pickford Public Schools26
274Tri-Township School25
274ICademy Global25
275Rudyard Area Schools24
276Buckley Community Schools23
276Blue Water Middle College Academy23
276Carney-Nadeau Public School23
277Marion High School22
278Genesee Early College21
278Peck Jr./Sr. High School21
278Caseville School K-1221
278North Dickinson School21
279Kensington Woods Schools20
279Ellsworth Community School20
280North Central Area Senior High School19
280Atlanta Community Schools19
280Alanson Public School19
280Creative Technologies Academy19
280New School High19
280LifeTech Academy19
280Cadillac Innovation High School19
281Jenison International Academy18
281Cedarville School18
281Ewen-Trout Creek Consolidated School18
282Madison Virtual Academy17
283Charlotte Early Middle College16



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