
Capitol News

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Iosco County Hazard Mitigation Residential Survey


Iosco County officials are in the process of updating the 2016 Iosco County Hazard Mitigation Plan, which would once again make the County eligible to receive FEMA pre-disaster funding.  In order to get the best information possible, we are seeking input from Iosco County residents that have experienced  hazardous event at their Iosco County properties.  This information will be very important as the advisory committee will be evaluating recent hazardous events and their impact on the residents and their properties, to identify possible measures to mitigate (lessen) damages resulting from future similar events. 

Copies of the survey are available at City Hall or Click here to view. Please return you survey response by June 24th to your city/township hall or to the Iosco County Public Safety Building.  Thank you so much for taking time to responding to the survey.

If you have any questions on any of the questions in the survey, please do not hesitate to contact Sean Bowers Emergency Management Coordinator at bowerss@iosco911.com or Bill Ernat, EMCOG Program Manager at bernat@emcog.org.

Original source can be found here.