
Capitol News

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Op-ed: Complacency and apathy

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The definition of “complacency” is “Satisfied with the current situation and unconcerned with changing it, often to the point of smugness.” There seems to be a lot of smugness on the Left. Virtue signaling seems more important than fact. A teenage girl who obviously doesn’t know anything about the topic is using her TikTok platform to lecture the nation on the current economic crisis. All the news outlets are Ukraine 24/7, COVID has apparently vanished, and prices at the gas pump continue to creep higher and higher.

The majority of Americans are saying nothing. That is troubling because, as history has shown, when good people do nothing and stay silent, bad things can and do often happen. Any student of world history can point out many examples of this. Evil men read apathy as consent.

Our Framers of our Republic were students of history. They knew men in government positions often succumb to the corrupting lure of power. It was the reason why they fashioned the Constitution with clearly defined and limited powers granted to the federal government with the Legislatures of the several States serving as checks and balances against federal government overreach.

The Framers edited Article 5 of the Constitution to include a bypass valve for the citizens of the States to propose and pass amendments to reign in an out of control, tyrannical federal government. Originally worded so that only Congress had the authority to amend the Constitution, the Framers realized that, once corrupted by power, Congress would be unlikely to limit their own tyranny. So, the People were given a direct path to do this on their own accord. The Convention of States (COS).

The COS Resolution needs to be passed by 34 State legislatures before Congress must call a convention of the several States for the purpose of considering amendments to check an out-of-control federal government. We now have 18 States that have agreed that the growth, spending, and overreach of the federal government must be reined in. The Resolution offers a framework for those amendments which are limited to (1) imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, (2) limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and (3) limiting the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress. The safeguards are that any proposed amendments coming out of the convention of states have to not only be within the scope of those three topics AND they must also be ratified by the legislatures of 38 States. Those who nervously warn of a “runaway” convention destroying our government either do not understand the process or they have a vested interest in the corrupt status quo.

For real and meaningful change to occur, the People must be engaged and vigilant. Silence is assent and Apathy is a clear and present danger to the liberty and freedom of all people, our children, and our children’s children. If We the People, the citizens of this federal republic do not pay attention and speak up, then the America that the Framers envisioned will certainly have run its course.

Sometimes it takes hard times for people to wake up from the lethargy of apathy. It takes people becoming uncomfortable for them to get up and act. I urge you to stand and act by letting your state legislators know that you support the convention of states Resolution in your State. The Framers gave us this method as a peaceful and constitutional way for the People to take back control from the professional career politicians who have used their offices to line their pockets.

Stand and let your voice be heard. Sign the COS petition. Call and write your State Representative and tell them to support the COS Resolution.

It is time for us to wake up and reclaim our Liberty and restore our Freedom. May God bless this nation again and make America the beacon of Hope for another 250 years.

Republished with permission from https://conventionofstates.com/news/complacency-and-apathy

Gary Lotterman is a Convention of States Michigan volunteer.