
Capitol News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

2022 General Election

With the 2022 General Election quickly approaching, political signage has been popping up around town faster than an orange barrel on a Michigan roadway on the first day of spring. Our Building Department reminds residents that election signs cannot be placed in the City right-of-way or outlawn. (The right-of-way area is a reserved strip of land which runs adjacent to other property and is often occupied by public utilities. For streets with sidewalks, it's the outlawn area between the sidewalk and curb. Without sidewalks, it's the area approximately 15 feet from the center of the roadway on each side.) 

We don't care which candidate you support or what political party signage represents; if it's in the right-of-way, it may be removed and disposed of by City staff. Even signs that say "I APPROVE A RAISE FOR THE SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER AND I VOTE". (Trust me, I asked. Several times.) This also includes signage placed without permission on private property and signage on traffic control devices, traffic signs, or utility poles. Besides, everyone knows that politicals are temporary, but Wu-Tang is forever. 

What about other types of signs, you ask? We have specific rules for many of them (such as yard sale or business signage), but generally, temporary signage of any kind cannot be placed in the right-of-way. Check out our Zoning Ordinance at www.cityofmidlandmi.gov/zoning or call our Building Department at 989-837-3381 for more information.

Wait... why can't I put whatever I want in the right-of-way since it's on my property? Seems kinda wrong-of-way that the City can tell me what I can't put there! Au contraire, mon frere. While property owners are required to maintain the right-of-way area adjacent to their property, the City of Midland has authority over this area per Section 22-2 of the Code of Ordinances.

Original source can be found here.